Wednesday, October 8, 2008

bad Breath

Guava is one of the most liked fruits. It is not only good in taste, but also is very healthy and nutritious. Guava and its leaves are one of the best medicines for bad smell

Apple is also a very important fruit. Chewing it after meal, will keep the mouth fresh, and takes out all the trapped foods lying between teeth.

Eating unhealthy food, eating less food, drinking less water or fluids are some of the reasons for . With a busy schedule we tend to eat less, however, one should always take lots of water or other fluids like freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juice.

These fluids keep the mouth wet and gums soft. Thus, there is less formation of and accumulation of bad-smelled sticky materials on tongue.

Person suffering from may chew mint leaves, cloves, etc. This keeps the mouth wet and fresh. Other than this, patient may also chew sunflower seeds. In fact it is a wonderful remedy for avoiding bad smell

A cup of tea or coffee is one of the easiest ways to keep the bad smell away.

Take 1-2 glass of water and add finely chopped parsley leaves to it. Boil it for 15-20 minutes.

Add 3-4 cloves to it and boil it for some time with constant stirring. Strain it and bring it to lukewarm temperature and rinse your mouth (gargle) two to three times a day. This has come out as an effective remedy for the treatment of bad breath.

Take 1-2 glass of water and add one tablespoon of freshly prepared lemon juice to it. Rinse your mouth with it for 2-3 times a day. This will keep you fresh and avoid.

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