Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The patient should fast on orange juice and water till the acute symptoms subside. Thereafter, he should adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days.

In the case of chronic bronchitis, the patient can begin with an all-fruit diet for five to seven days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits. After the all-fruit diet, he should follow a well-balanced diet with emphasis on seeds, nuts, grains, raw vegetables, and fresh fruits. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water, or cold/hot plain water may be taken.

A hot Epsom salts bath every night or every other night is valuable during the acute stages of the attack. This bath is prepared by dissolving 1 ½ kg of Epsom salt in 60 litres of water having a temperature of 37.8"C. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for about twenty minutes. In the case of chronic bronchitis, this bath may be taken twice a week.

Hot towels wrung out and applied over the upper chest are helpful in both chronic and acute bronchitis. After applying three hot towels in turn for two or three minutes each, one should always finish off with a cold towel. A cold pack can be applied to the upper chest several times daily in acute conditions. The procedure is to wring out some linen material in cold water, wrap it two or three times round the affected part and cover it with flannel. The pack can remain for about an hour at a time

Fresh air and outdoor exercise are also essential for the treatment of bronchitis. The patient is advised to take a morning walk every day.

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