Saturday, October 18, 2008

What are the side effects of acupressure?

This therapy is not to be done throughout the day just because it brings relief. Just practice it for fifteen minutes in the morning or in the evening. Let the nature inside your body take care of the healing process.

It is not recommended during the early and late quarter of pregnancy but can be done under an expert’s guidance.

it is not recommended for curing degenerative diseases eg.. Cancer. Relaxation desserts help a lot in such cases.

Do not apply more pressure on Medulla points. What are the side effects?

The best part of the treatment is that there is no side effect at all. Occasionally in the initial phase, slight discomfort may be observed in a few cases, when the body tries to normalise by rejecting the accumulated toxins from the body.

No harm will be done even if a wrong point is pressed.

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