Tuesday, October 7, 2008

back pain

Apply a hot or cold compress using a hot water bottle or an ice pack. - A hot bath also usually helps.

If possible, you should sit in a warm tub for a few minutes.- Exercise in order to strengthen the back muscles.

Simple stretching exercises are also useful, both when you have a back ache and on a regular basis.-

Try to relax and get enough rest to avoid both mental stress and physical strain on your back.- If possible, get a massage. This does not have to be by a professional -a family member can do it equally well as long as they do not use excessive force. Preferably this should be done using a massage oil such as eucalyptus oil. Another excellent oil is mustard oil in which a little garlic has been fried.

Vitamin C and calcium supplements may help, but consult your doctor before doing this. - Cut slices of raw potato and place them on the affected area.

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