Place the south pole of the ferrite ring magnet 45 mm OD x 22 mm ID x 8 mm thick, on the top of the heart area (a little towards the left on the third or fourth rib). Ask the patient to perform abdominal deep breathing for about five minutes.
One has to help the patient by pushing the abdomen deeply with the fists for about five-six times. After the treatment for a proper effect, a light exercise is recommended for about ten to fifteen minutes.
Seriously ill people can try the following regimen for better relief over a period of five days .Diet Control is very essential for this treatment. Only raw vegetables, fruits and sprouts are recommended, not only during the treatment but also for a few months after the treatment.
Along with this treatment, magnetised water (north-pole water) is to be sipped every day. One can take from one to two litres over a day. Deep breathing and light exercises can be continued as a preventive measure.
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