This is an important technique to relieve tension from the neck muscle whenever one is tensed. Any tension and stress in daily life will first affect the neck muscles. It is recommended even for a normal person and studies have proved that human efficiency could be improved in the long run with this simple technique. In Japan, higher production levels were reportedly achieved in some industries where the employees were encouraged to practice it regularly before starting work.
Self Massage - Fig - 14A
In this technique, one can apply gentle pressure on the neck region at the back with the thumb on both sides. Apply on and off pressure with both the thumbs and start moving to the centre of the skull i.e., the medulla region.This massage can be done two to four minutes daily or whenever one is tensed.
Medulla Massage - Fig - 14B
One can practice this massage on any other person more effectively with water at room temperature. With hands wet with water and gently rub on the neck up to the medulla region. The neck should not be allowed to get dry. The water which evaporates carries the heat from the neck region and cools the blood flowing in this region. This improves blood circulation to the head region and relieves tension from the neck muscles. This massage can be very effectively used on people with sleep-related disorders.
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