Looking inwards is meditation. Sensitising all the five sensors (skin, eye, ear, nose, tongue) of the human machine and cutting off all the external stimuli will lead to meditation or in other words to silence. Silencing the mind is a technique which one has to learn and practise regularly to reap the benefits. Regular simple meditation performed as described below will remove all the negative feelings and bring positive feeling in life. One becomes healthy, vibrant and an asset to the society.
Sit in any comfortable asana, preferably Padmasana with eyes closed and keep your spine erect throughout the meditation period. Start by chanting Om and feel the nerve impulse at the tip of the index finger and thumb. Count 72, if you get the pulse. Then take deep breaths five times with your concentration on the abdomen. As you breathe - in, the abdomen comes out and as your breathe - out the abdomen is sucked inside. Then chant Akara five times and feel the vibration at the abdomen.
Then close the other three (middle, ring and little) fingers and try to feel the nerve impulse at all these fingers. Similarly count 72 if you get the pulse, then do deep breathing and concentrate your breathing at the chest region. Try to expand the chest as you breathe-in and contract as you breathe-out. Repeat this procedure five to ten times. Then chant ukara five times after taking deep inhalation. The vibration can be felt on the chest region.Now keep both the fists near the navel region and draw in five to ten deep breaths involving all the three lobes of the lungs. Chant Omkara with split akara, ukara and makara five times. Feel the vibration of the whole body.Gently rub the palms and do palming of the eyes, makingsure not to press the eye balls. Gently open the eyes.All this hardly takes ten minutes, yet the benefits are many if practised regularly.
Then, make a fist with the thumb inside the fingers and feel the impulse on the whole fist. Count 72 and do deep breathing concentrating at the clavicular region. The shoulders should rise as you breath-in and fall as you breathe-out. Then chant makara five times. Try to feel the vibration on the head region.
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