The treatment is relaxation or a condition known as homoeostasis (equilibrium of body fluids) where our natural healing mechanism is made to perform at its peak efficiency. These simple but effective techniques described below can be applied on anyone including children and old people to induce maximum relaxation for the body and mind. it is used as relaxation desserts along with adrenal gland activation for two minutes to relieve asthma attack within five minutes on many occasions.
Feathering Touch - Fig - 13A
One should use both the hands on the other person’s feet. Basically the tips of the finger should smoothly run like a feather from the ankle joint to the tip of the toes. The feathering strokes are to be given only in one direction and should cover the complete surface area of the feet with sufficient strokes. This is the starting point and in between the other desserts, feathering touch has to be given to induce maximum relaxation.
Sideto Side -Fig-13B
Hold the foot with both the palms and gently shake the joints for a few seconds. Similarly, complete on the other foot. The first four inches of the foot from the toe has to be covered with both the palms and the hands should move in opposite direction while shaking.
Hook-in Ankles - Fig - 13C
As the title suggests, use both the palms to hold the ankle and shake in such a way that the foot vibrates with respect to the ankle joint. The leg has to be slightly lifted or kept on a pillow for effectively performing this dessert. This dessert can be given for few seconds, say about thirty seconds, on each foot.
Spinal Twist - Fig - 13D
With this dessert, the spinal reflexes are activated and the whole spine is relaxed. Take the right foot and hold it with right hand at the ankle joint. Then with the left hand holding it close to the right hand gently twist the other part of the foot on both directions for few times. Shift your right hand slowly upwards and continue the same procedure 13D. Spin at twist till the end.Similarly the left foot can be manipulated with the therapist’s left hand firm on the ankle joint and right hand for twisting.
Ankle Rotation - Fig - 13E
For this dessert, hold the foot with one hand at the ankle joint and slightly lift the leg. Otherwise support the leg on a pillow. Hold with one hand at the joint. Then hold at the top of the foot and slowly rotate the ankle joint clockwise and anti-clockwise making maximum possible rotations. This can be done for ten times and the procedure repeated on the other leg.
Lung Press - Fig - 13F
For Lung Press, support the top side of the foot with one hand and using the fist of the other hand message the lung reflex area in a way the dough is kneaded. This is to be done for thirty seconds and repeated on the other side. It will be very soothing have asthmatic problems.
Toe Rotation - Fig - 13G
This is a very simple, yet more effective dessert. Hold one foot with one hand near the toe joint and slowly rotate the toes one by one five to ten times in both the directions. Same procedure can be followed on the other foot.
Spinal Rub - Fig - 13H
Here the spinal reflex is rubbed with the thumb right from the toe to the heels. These strokes are repeated about five to ten times in the same direction. Same procedure has to be repeated on the other leg.
Shoulder Rub-Fig. 13I
This dessert will relieve tensions in the shoulder muscles. The shoulder reflex area is to be rubbed with the thumb in upward direction ending at the little toe. The process is to be repeated on the other leg also.
It have observed in many training camps that these desserts when applied on a tensed person can bring down his Blood Pressure to normal. Daily application of desserts can alleviate hypertension in the long run along with the activation of acupressure.These desserts can be safely applied on anyone without any diagnosis. They come in very useful while curing any disease, particularly stress-related problems.
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