In the first place micro-massage is a form of massage, because it is concerned with the massage of precise regions of the body. But it is miniaturized massage, for these 'regions' are cutaneous zones of very small area, less than a square centimeter -the dermotopes, improperly called' acupuncture points'.
The question arises of how an intervention of this kind, which is mechanically very feeble, can have results equal or even superior to those obtained with classical massage which 'works' the muscle or group of muscles or even the deeper layers of the organism? The fundamental difference between the two techniques -classical massage is a mechanical action, while micro-massage is an energizing action. In the same way that the electrologist stimulates the muscles by applying small electrodes to the 'motor points', the micro-masseur, like the acupuncturist, singles out venter points of the muscles, points of insertion, sensor or motor nerve points, ligamentary points, articular points and organic points.
In China, micro-massage is a technique which has been developed to perfection for a very long time. It is employed not only by specialists but also by the acupuncturists who, confronted by a child or squeamish patient who refuses the needles, will use it to treat the dermotopes indicated. Acupuncturists, in any case, have never thought of micro-massage as being inferior to the method with needles. The only difference is that about three sessions of micro-massage are needed to achieve the same result as is obtained from a single session of acupuncture. Finally, and in spite of the spectacular results so often obtained by it, Chinese micro-massage is completely harmless.
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