Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Shredded lemon peel of one lemon may be added to soups and stews, or sprinkled over salads. To make a medicine, the peel of one or two lemons may be cut up finely, covered with warm water and allowed to stand for about twelve hours. A teaspoon may be taken every three hours, or immediately before or after a meal.

Parsley may be taken as a tea: a teaspoon of dry parsley may be allowed to simmer gently in a cupful of water for a few minutes. This can be taken two to three times daily.

Beet juice, taken daily, has been found valuable in arteriosclerosis. It is an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits. The juices of carrots and spinach are also beneficial if taken once a day. These juices can be taken individually-500 ml, or as a combination. When taken as a combination, they should be in the following proportion: carrots-300 ml and spinach-200 ml to prepare 500 ml of juice

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