Lung 7: the respiratory system
LocationOn the inside of the wrist, 2 finger widths from the wrist crease closest to the palm on the same side as the thumb in the depression behind the bone.TechniqueUsing the thumb of the opposite hand, touch the point and then gently begin to apply pressure below the skin, angled slightly down towards the wrist and thumb. Apply sustained pressure or small, massage rotations to the acupoint. Use the fingers of the same hand under the wrist as support. Continue to apply pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing rhythmically and visualizing the lungs as healthy and-strong. Repeat on the opposite wrist.BenefitsStrengthens the respiratory system. Helps to prevent and alleviate colds, coughs, congestion and breathing difficulties.
Large intestine 4: the head, face and skin
LocationIn the centre of the triangle made between the small bones of the index finger and thumb. Can also be located at the end of the crease made by the index finger and thumb when they are pressed together.TechniqueLocate the point and then press in gently with the thumb of the opposite hand, placing the fingers underneath the acupoint, against the palm of the hand, for support. Press deeply and perpendicularly into the point, applying sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe deeply and visualize the whole of the upper body being filled with vitality. Repeat on the opposite hand.BenefitsThis point benefits the whole upper body. In particular it helps tone the skin and improve the complexion. It aids large intestine function, facilitating elimination and thereby helping to improve the skin quality and texture. It can be useful in relieving constipation
and can also improve mobility and relieve pain in the arms, shoulders and neck.
Large intestine 11: the arms, skin and digestion
LocationWhen the elbow is bent the point is located in the depression at the end of the skin crease towards the outside of the elbow.TechniqueSupport the elbow in the fingers and palm of the opposite hand. Press in deeply with the thumb for 30 seconds to 1 minute, applying sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint with relaxed, even breathing. Visualize healthy, clear skin and good function of the large intestine. Repeat on the opposite elbow.BenefitsUsed in conjunction with Large Intestine 4, this point also tones the skin, improves the complexion, ensures strong, healthy function of the large intestine and aids elbow and arm mobility. In addition, it is effective in preventing or relieving constipation.
Stomach 36: the digestive system
LocationFour finger widths below the lower edge of the kneecap in the hollow between the 2 bones of the leg.TechniqueUsing the thumb, locate the point and apply sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint, angled slightly downwards towards the feet. Place the fingers behind the knee for support.Alternatively, reverse the position of the hand and press with the index or middle fingers. Apply pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute and visualize the digestive organs as healthy and strong. A tingling sensation may be felt down into the toes. Repeat on the other leg or, if you wish, acupressure can be applied to both legs simultaneously.BenefitsStrengthens and improves digestion. Can prevent and relieve
constipation, diarrhea and indigestion. Helps build stamina.
Spleen 6: the digestive system and gynecological organs
LocationFour finger widths above the tip of the ankle bone in the middle of the inside of the leg.TechniqueMeasure 4 finger widths up from the ankle bone with one hand and then use the thumb of the other hand to locate the acupoint. Apply pressure perpendicularly or use small massage rotations to the acupoint for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat on other leg.BenefitsThis very powerful acupoint is the meeting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney meridians. Acupressure to this point helps digestion and can relieve abdominal bloating and loose stools. It tones and strengthens the gynecological organs and helps to keep them in position, i.e. regular acupressure is said to prevent uterine prolapse and hernia.For women this acupoint is useful in regulating menstruation, and acupressure in the week prior to each menses can help prevent period pains and premenstrual tension. However, this point is contraindicated during pregnancy as it can induce labour. For men this point is said to increase virility and can prevent seminal emission and relieve pain in the genital organs.Acupressure of this point can also be used to improve mobility and relieve pain in the lower extremities.
Heart 7: circulation and heart function
LocationWith your palm upwards, this point is located on the outside edge of the first crease closest to the palm of the wrist, in the hollow level with the little finger.TechniqueSupport the wrist with the fingers of the opposite hand and locate the point with the thumb. Apply pressure with the thumb in the direction of the little finger for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Use sustained pressure or small, massage rotations. Repeat on the opposite wrist.BenefitsImproves circulation, strengthens heart function and calms the mind and is very effective in relieving anxiety and insomnia. Can be used to ease mild chest pain and palpitations, though if these symptoms persist, you should always consult a medical practitioner.
Small intestine 3: the head, neck and spine
LocationMake a loose fist. The point is located in the middle of the longest crease on the outside edge of the little finger, just below the knuckle.TechniqueSupport the fist with the fingers of the opposite hand and press into the point lightly with the edge of the nail of the thumb or forefinger. For general toning, press for 30 seconds to 1 minute but, should you be suffering from acute neck, shoulder or spinal pain, continue for 2-3 minutes and repeat every half-hour until the pain starts to ease off. Repeat on the opposite hand.BenefitsThis acupoint has a powerful connection with the back. It helps to strengthen the spine and neck and also clears the head. It can be used to prevent and ease headaches and to relieve tension or pain in the neck, shoulders and back.
Urinary bladder 11: bones
LocationAt the back of the neck in line with the shoulders and level with the lower edge of the first thoracic vertebra. Located 2 finger widths on either side of the spine.TechniqueReach the hands over the back on either side of the neck and apply firm, relaxed pressure to the points with the index or middle fingers for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Both points can be stimulated simultaneously, using sustained pressure or small massage rotations. Breathe evenly and visualize healthy, strong bones throughout the body. If your arms become tired, lower them for a moment and then repeat. You should experience mild tingling under your fingertips and an enjoyable sensation of the relief of any tension in this area.BenefitsRegular acupressure to this point on both sides of the spine is said to promote strong, healthy bones throughout the body. It can also help prevent and relieve neck and shoulder pain and tension headaches.
Urinary bladder 40: lower body and joint mobility
LocationIn between the tendons at the back of the knee when the knee is slightly bent.TechniquePlace the thumbs on the outside of each kneecap and the fingers behind the knees, while bending the knees slightly. Use the middle or index fingers of each hand to locate the hollow between the tendons at the back of each knee. Don't press on the tendons themselves and avoid varicose veins, if you have any. Apply firm, even pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and visualizing energy flowing freely throughout the lower body. Both points can be massaged simultaneously.If you are applying acupressure to this point on someone else, sit in front of them, place your fingers round the back of their knees with the thumbs at the sides for support, locate the point and apply pressure with the middle or index fingers. While doing so, ask the person to practice the breathing and visualization.BenefitsHelps to promote circulation and the flow of vital energy throughout the lower body. Can improve mobility of the back and legs and relieve aching, pain or stiffness in these areas.
Urinary bladder 60: back, legs and feet and urinary system
LocationIn the hollow behind the ankle bone on the outer side of the foot.TechniqueLocate the point with the thumb, using the index finger for support on the other side of the ankle. Alternatively, the position of the thumb and index finger can be reversed and the index finger used to apply acupressure to the point. Apply acupressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, using sustained pressure or small firm rotations angled slightly downwards towards the heel. Repeat on the opposite ankle. Breathe deeply and visualize a good flow of energy through the back, legs and feet and a healthy urinary system.BenefitsStrengthens the urinary system and improves mobility in the back, legs and feet. Can help prevent and relieve mild urinary infections, headaches, eye problems, back pain, ankle stiffness and pain in the feet.
Kidney 1: vitality and blood pressure
LocationA third of the way down the sole of the foot, in the depression just below the ball of the foot.TechniqueTurn the foot over or outwards, resting it in the fingers of the hand on the same side of the body. Use the thumbs to locate and apply pressure to the acupoint on the soles of alternate feet or both feet simultaneously for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Use sustained pressure or apply small massage rotations to the acupoint. In cases of blood pressure problems, apply only light pressure. Breathe deeply and visualize vital energy flowing throughout the body and healthy kidneys.BenefitsPromotes vitality and stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body. Relieves fatigue and acts as a natural stimulant. Helps to balance blood pressure, prevents and relieves dizzinessand faintness and stimulates kidney function.
Kidney 3: urinary system, adrenals and gynecological organs
LocationLocation: On the inside of the ankle in the hollow halfway between the ankle bone and the back of the ankle, level with the ankle bone.TechniquePlace the fingers of the opposite hand behind the ankle for support and locate the point with the thumb. Apply pressure perpendicularly for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, using sustained pressure or small rotations angled slightly upwards towards the shin. Alternatively, place the middle or index fingers on Urinary Bladder 60 and the thumbs on Kidney 3 and massage both points on both ankles simultaneously. Breathe freely and visualize healthy and vital urinary and gynecological organs.BenefitsStrengthens the kidneys, adrenals, urinary bladder and gynecological organs and promotes good hormonal balance. Can prevent or relieve insomnia, asthma, sore throats, ear problems, toothache and low back pain.For women, can help regulate menses and prevent menstrual problems. For men, can strengthen sexual function and treat impotence and premature ejaculation.
Pericardium 6: circulation and cardiac function
LocationBetween the tendons on the inside of the arm, 3 finger widths above the wrist crease closest to the palm.TechniqueAfter measuring up the arm, rest the wrist in the fingers of the other hand and use the thumb to locate the point. Apply gentle pressure angled slightly downwards towards the palm and middle finger for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe evenly and deeply and visualize good heart function and circulation of blood and energy throughout the upper body. Repeat on the opposite arm.BenefitsStimulates and regulates heart function and promotes good circulation of blood and energy throughout the arms and upper body. Can prevent or relieve mild chest or gastric pain, nausea and travel sickness, and pain or stiffness in the wrist and elbow.
Triple heater 5: circulation and balance
LocationOn the outside of the forearm, 3 finger widths above the wrist in the hollow between the bones.TechniqueAfter measuring up the outside of the arm, rest the wrist in the fingers of the other hand and use the thumb to locate and apply pressure to the acupoint for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe deeply and visualize good circulation throughout the body and an even balance between the 3 areas of the body: upper, middle and lower. Repeat on the opposite arm.BenefitsPromotes circulation through the whole body and a good balance in function and vitality between the upper, middle and lower body and the vital organs contained in each of these areas. Can prevent or relieve fevers, headaches, ear problems and pain in the elbow, wrist or fingers.
Gall bladder 34: muscular system
LocationOn the outside of the leg in the hollow just beneath the meeting point of the 2 leg bones, 1 thumb width above and 2 finger widths to the outside of Stomach 36.TechniquePlace the fingers round the outsides of the legs, just below the knees, and locate the point on both legs, using the thumbs. Apply firm pressure with the thumbs angled downwards towards the feet. Maintain pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, using sustained pressure or gentle rotations of the thumbs. Breathe freely and visualize strong, flexible muscles throughout the body.BenefitsNourishes the muscles and tendons by improving the flow of blood. Promotes general mobility in the lower body and can relieve numbness and pain in the legs and feet. Also promotes good functioning of the gall bladder and liver and can relieve pain in the area of the lower ribs.
Liver 3: nervous and immune systems
LocationOn the top of the foot in the web between the first and second toes, just before the join of the small bones of the foot.TechniquePlace the fingers under the foot for support and apply acupressure to the point perpendicularly with the thumb. Take care to press in the hollow between the bones and tendons rather than on the tendons or blood vessels themselves. Use sustained pressure or small rotations. Apply pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing evenly and visualizing a healthy liver, balanced nervous system and strong immune system. Repeat on the other foot.BenefitsThis point calms the nervous system and strengthens the liver and immune system. It can also help prevent or relieve headaches, dizziness, cramps in the foot or lower leg and breast pains.
Governor vessel 26: brain and mental function
LocationJust below the nose, in the middle of the groove above the upper lip.TechniqueTake the fingertip or nail of the index or middle finger and apply gentle pressure perpendicularly for about 30 seconds. Breathe freely and visualize a clear mind with sharp mental function.Caution: Take care not to stimulate this point too hard if you have high blood pressure; stop immediately if you feel unwell or uncomfortable.BenefitsStimulates mental alertness and brain function and aids concentration and memory. Can prevent or relieve faintness and ease back pain.
Conception vessel 6: abdominal tonic
LocationTwo finger widths below the navel on the midline of the abdomen.TechniqueUse 2 fingers to measure down from the navel and locate the point. Apply pressure gently with the middle or index finger of the other hand for about 30 seconds. Use gentle, rotating movements and apply the pressure directly into the abdomen, below the surface of the skin. Allow your breathing to become slow and relaxed and visualize warmth and power filling the abdomen.BenefitsThis is one of the most important toning points for the whole body but, in particular, it strengthens the sexual organs and helps builds stamina, confidence and vitality. Regular acupressure applied to this point can prevent or relieve fatigue, menstrual problems and urinary weakness.
Conception vessel 17: upper body tonic
LocationIn the middle of the chest in line with the nipples.TechniqueLocate the point with the middle or index finger and apply pressure gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe deeply and evenly and visualize a good flow of energy and a powerful supply of oxygen from the lungs suffusing the chest and upper body.BenefitsThis powerful point promotes healthy function of the heart and lungs and vitality in the upper body. It can also prevent or relieve chest pain, asthma and hiccoughs.
Ear massage: lymph and hormonal systems
To complete this workout, spend 30 seconds to 1 minute applying acupressure to each ear. The ear is filled with hundreds of tiny micro-acupoints that correspond to every part of the body. Ear acupressure therefore applies a general stimulus to all the internal organs and body systems helping to bring them into balance. It also helps to stimulate the lymph and hormonal systems and boost immunity.Use the nail of either the index or middle fingers, ensuring that the nail edges are smooth and clean. First apply gentle pressure on the outside edges of the ears, working from the base of the earlobes up to the tops of the ears and placing the thumbs behind the ears for support. (The thumbs should move with the fingernails so that they are always at the back of the ear supporting the pressure applied with the nails). Use light, gentle movements that feel comfortable. Breathe normally and visualize good health and vitality throughout the whole body. Then repeat the movement on the inner surface of the ears, again working from the base up to the top.Ear acupressure is an ideal way to complete your acupressure workout. It can also be used on its own at any time of the day to refresh and invigorate.
At the end of the workout, stretch the arms above the head, stretch the back and legs and take a deep breath in. Breathe out as you relax the stretch. Repeat 3 times.
Shake out the hands and wrists to make sure they are relaxed. If you have been applying relaxed pressure your fingers should not feel tired or ache. In the beginning, however, when you are not used to the technique, it is easy to apply too much pressure or to have tension in the hands and fingers, causing them to ache afterwards. If you do have this problem, gently stretch each finger and, next time you do the workout, use lighter pressure and constantly check to make sure there is no tension in the hands.
At the end of the workout you should feel refreshed and vitalized in mind and body and all your internal organs will have been primed to function well. Regular use of acupressure should lead you to feel both more energetic and relaxed. You will probably notice a decrease in minor ailments and an enhanced sense of well-being. Give the workout a try on a daily basis for a month and judge the results for yourself. As you become more proficient your self-awareness and sensitivity will increase, making the workout even more effective.
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